687 Hamilton Road Chermside West QLD, 4032

27 Years of Exceptional Care – Then Vs. Now

Same-same, yet different. With all the changes in place with COVID-19 it’s great to see that BB has not changed in 27 years. I took the time at home to sort some old photos and discovered my experiences at BB!

Cat says:

Hi, I’m Cat. I run the Bright Beginnings website and social media and I also went to BBs myself as a child. These blast from the past photos are from albums of my siblings and myself growing up from around 1996-2002.

One thing that’s never changed at Bright Beginnings is their family focus and amazing community. Janine and the gang were there for my family through rain or shine and helped us through some tough times and some great times.

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The Same – Birthdays

Turning a year older is a big deal, and we’ve always loved getting together to celebrate! Gathering at the lunch tables, singing happy birthday, eating cake, birthdays are some of our favourite days of the year.

Big Side Hero Image

Changed – Big Side Yard

The big side’s yard has changed a lot over the past 27 years. One thing you can always bet on is that Bright Beginnings has the best playgrounds around.

The reason for that is that they update the yards and playgrounds every few years, so the BBs yards have gone through many different iterations since my time here.

The natural grass was nice, but very difficult to maintain with dozens of little feet running over it every day. The playground itself has been moved and rebuilt several times, and the rainforest/nature walk area has gotten a wooden pathway since I was running through it.

Take a look:

The Same – Dress ups

Bright Beginnings has always had some great dress up boxes. With doctor’s briefcases and nurses masks, hard hats and handbags, all of it was donated by families and it was the real deal!

It’s good to know that BBs children nowadays are still getting all the best kit to choose from.

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Changed – The Nursery and Toddler Rooms

The nursery and toddler rooms have changed a little bit throughout the years, though it is mostly cosmetic. As you can see, we were always having a good time though.

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The Same – Nap Time

Well, there is one thing that never changes: nap time. Pulling out our little mats, making our beds with our sheets and pillow and listening to soothing music as we drift off – I remember it distinctly. Mostly because at the time I didn’t want to sleep – I’d rather be out playing. These days I’d love an afternoon nap. Kids just don’t know how good they’ve got it!

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Changed – Nursery Room Yard

Just like the Big Side’s yard, the nursery room’s yard has changed quite a bit too. As you may be able to tell from the photos below, we had a sandpit and deck area, but no fancy texture walk or humpy like today’s babies get – I’m jealous.

Do you have any fond memories of Bright Beginnings?

Whether you have memories of BBs’ early days or your memories are from last week, we’d love to hear your stories and see your photos over on our Facebook page.

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