687 Hamilton Road Chermside West QLD, 4032

Talking About Feelings

Emotional literacy - the ability to understand, express and manage individual emotions as well as the ability to understand and respond to the emotions of…

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Starting Toilet Training in 5 Easy Steps.

Getting out of nappies is a big move for your little one and is great cause for celebration. While the process isn’t always easy there…

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Be Brave. Make Change. National Reconciliation Week.

National Reconciliation Week — 27 May to 3 June — is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements,…

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Helping Children Become Confident and Involved Learners

One of the learning outcomes of the Early Childhood Framework is to is that children are confident and involved learners. What does this look like?…

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Being Heard

The old adage of children should be seen and not heard hails from the Victorian era and at times is still thrown around today. However;…

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Helping Children Connect and Contribute to the World

One of the learning outcomes in the Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework (for young children aged from birth to 5 years…

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