687 Hamilton Road Chermside West QLD, 4032

Children and Pets

With National Puppy Day – yes, it is a thing – coming up on March 23rd, we thought it would be a good idea to look at how pets impact the lives of our little ones. Pets are a great addition to any family. They can be a source of happiness and an important part of your child’s life; but also teach them important skills.

According to thefirstfiveyears.org.au ‘the relationship between pets and companion animals and their influence on children’s health and development.’ A review of evidence shows that children with pets demonstrate:

  • A great sense of self esteem
  • Less loneliness
  • Enhanced social skills

Furthermore; evidence shows that pet ownership impacts emotional; behavioural; cognitive; educational and social development.

When it comes to pets, it is important to keep in mind that they are living creatures with their own needs and wants. That means they will need just as much love and attention as any other member of the family. Even though your little one may be excited about the prospect of a pet it is important to stress that they are a long- term responsibility, and you will have to consider your own needs carefully.

Animal Medicines Australia in their 2016 study on Pet Ownership found that the relationship between humans and pets have become closer with a significant lift in the proportion of owners who see their pets as important members of the family rather than mere companions.

Did you know Australia has one of the highest rates of household pet ownership in the world? With 62% of household having at least one creature to care for- it is clear we are definitely passionate about pets and many happy childhood memories hinge on animal friendships and companionship.

  • How does your household compare?
  • Two in five households have dogs or
  • Three in ten households have cats
  • One in ten households also keep fish
  • One in ten households keep birds
  • Small mammals and reptiles have similar rates of ownership of each at 3%

You need to consider your living situation, lifestyle and schedule. While cheeky children and cute pet antics are great material for a laugh – the opportunities for your little one to learn to love, care and train a pet can be an incredibility rewarding experience.

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