687 Hamilton Road Chermside West QLD, 4032

Gilda Hits Silver

This week marks a very important milestone here at Bright Beginnings: our toddler educator Gilda Rolston is commemorating her Silver Anniversary with us. That’s right, Gilda has dedicated 25 years of outstanding love and service to the community of Bright Beginnings.

Joining the BBs team in 1995, Gilda has been educating BBs families for almost as long as Bright Beginnings itself has been standing. We caught up with Gilda back in 2017 to celebrate her 22 years, which you can see here:

As our longest serving member of staff, we wanted to congratulate Gilda on her amazing achievement and find out why she has chosen to make a home at our centre by asking her some questions about her experience over the years.

Q: Why did you choose to become an early childhood educator?

Gilda 2020


Wow 25 years! When I left school, I was unsure of what I wanted to do and so I worked for a few years before I decided to do a short course in Nanny/Childcare training. This gave me the opportunity to work as a Nanny or as a Childcare educator.

Q: What made you join BBs back in 1995? What sets the centre apart from others?

Gilda c.1998


My journey at Bright Beginnings began in my early 20s. I was working at another centre not far from BB and decided to drop by with my resume.

Walking in at BB for the first time was exciting, meeting Janine and Daphne who was at the desk made me a tad nervous. But, after talking to the ladies and heard Janine’s infectious laugh made me smile and straight away I wanted to work here where I felt I belong and the place felt like home. After doing some relief work, BB offered me a full time job!

Q: Have you always been a toddler educator or have you taught different ages?

Gilda c.1999


During my 25 years as early educator, I have worked in all age group and supported the children on their learning journey.

I have seen many children grow, leave BB, start school, graduate and start adult life. I’m lucky enough to have seen them again as they return with their own children or just drop by to say “hello.”

I helped build a loving atmosphere and culture at BB where all children and families feel they belong and are loved. What I have taken with me from all these years is believing in making learning fun and interesting, creating new ideas and encouraging the children to explore their world and discover ways to fully engage with it.

Q: What advice do you have for people starting out in early childcare?

Gilda c. 2019


My advice to people who are looking for a career in early childhood is; follow your dreams, discover your creativity and go for it! I can honestly say that this job has been the most rewarding and inspiring career choice I have ever made.

Q: Do you have any closing words/thoughts?

Gilda c.1999


Being surrounded with children and beautiful people everyday makes me happy and so grateful for every child, friends and families I have met along the way. Thank you Bright Beginnings for the love and for making my everyday special

“Gilda makes everything fun and full of love. I believe toddlers is the most challenging age group in day care , they have little language, zero sharing skills and total self absorption. Gilda and her team make the day appear effortless- always engaging in new experiences with lots of belly laughs. Gilda mama Thankyou for loving and adoring us all.”

We want to say an absolutely HUGE congratulations and thank you to Gilda for her work at Bright Beginnings over the last 25 years and we look forward to many more! Happy Silver Ainniversary, Gilda!

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