687 Hamilton Road Chermside West QLD, 4032

Helping Children Connect and Contribute to the World

One of the learning outcomes in the Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework (for young children aged from birth to 5 years of age, is that children are connected with and contribute to their world.

From birth, children live and learn with others. At first, most of that living and learning takes place within a family. From the start your child is also part of a community with friends and family.

They go to shops and libraries and playgrounds. They are also a part of our community here at Bright Beginnings. 

As they grow and develop an understanding of the world around them they will become aware of the communities they belong to from a local to a national level. Ultimately realising that they are a part of a bigger world.

With support from home and from the educators at Bright Beginnings, your child will connect with and contribute to their world in more varied and complex ways. Over time, your child will learn

respect and empathy. They will become aware of others’ rights as well as their own. 

As we saw with Nature Play week, children are already learning to care for and respect their environment (homes, buildings, streets, parks). In early childhood connection is about building friendships and learning that we are all individuals. 

Ways to help your child to connect with and contribute to their world can include:

  • Find ways for your child to contribute to family life and show that you value that contribution! Involve young ones in conversations and family activities. Let your toddler carry dishes to or from the table or feed the pets.
  • Encourage your child to be part of day to day decision making and problem solving: There is no more room on your shelf for more books. Can you choose three books to donate?
  • Introduce the importance of ‘being fair’ and ‘sharing’ with toddlers to help them understand equity
  • Find ways for your child to explore and appreciate diversity. Visits to the zoo, museum or art gallery are really great for this.


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